Anxiety: There are several neuropsychiatric disorders relating to anxiety, including but not limited to, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety. These disorders combined have a prevalence of 29% in the United States and most go undiagnosed or are under-treated. 2,3 Generalized anxiety disorder, along with the other anxiety-related disorders, are commonly treated with antidepressant drugs and anxiolytic drugs. 4 These medications are linked to limited efficacy and adverse effects. 2 Alternative therapies need to be identified that may have better efficacy and are better tolerated than the current available treatments. 4,5 There is some evidence that suggests that CBD is effective in reducing anxiety. 6

Pain: Pain is the most common reason patients consult primary care providers. 7 According to recent literature, over 40% of the adult Americans, an estimated 100 million people, live with chronic or recurrent pain and pay an estimated $120 billion a year in medical costs in the United States. 7, 8 Continued research is needed to evaluate the impact of pain and the available treatments and determine how to reduce its effect on people’s lives. 7

Sleep: Nearly 50% of the adult population in the United States (US) experiences sleeping problems 9-12 with high rates of dissatisfaction over the efficacy and concerns about side effects of conventional pharmaceutical medications used to address sleep issues. 13 Sleep disorders are also a common issue associated with anxiety. 14 According to the American Sleep Association, sleep can improve by reducing certain symptoms, such as anxiety and pain. Both conditions have been demonstrated to be decreased by CBD, resulting in a better night’s sleep. CBD interacts with certain receptors in the body that will affect the sleep cycle, increasing the duration of a patient’s sleep. 14,15 Evidence has shown that one of the most commonly observed effects of CBD at higher doses is sedation. 16

Acne: According to recent research, the most common skin condition is acne, affecting up to 50 million people in the US. 17 Although its cause is multifactorial, changes in sebaceous gland functions including increased production of sebum is thought to be involved in the development of acne. 18 Studies have demonstrated that CBD influences the creation of sebum through sebocytes. The research shows that CBD prevented excess sebum, later decreasing the amount of acne released. 14 More research is needed to evaluate the efficacy and proper dosing of CBD to provide the maximum effect for patients suffering from acne, in addition to exploring other routes of administration, such as the topical application of CBD for this condition. 14

GI: It is estimated that in the United States 11% of the population suffer from a chronic digestive disease, with a prevalence rate as high as 35% for those 65 years and over. 19 These include conditions of the gastrointestinal tract that are chronic and relapsing. Two main types are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Both forms have similar symptoms, i.e. diarrhea, abdomen pain, and weight loss. These conditions are traditionally treated with corticosteroids, immunomodulators, or biologic agents. Researchers continue to identify alternative treatment options that are efficacious and safe. Over the past several years, research evaluating the efficacy of CBD in gastrointestinal disorders has been mixed. 20,21 Studies have shown that CBD has a positive impact on IBD conditions, specifically through an anti-inflammatory effect. Evidence shows that the activation and inhibition of peripheral and central cannabinoid receptors can affect processes of the GI tract. CBD may be a beneficial form of treatment due to the increased rate of clinical response without the traditional side effects reported with other treatment modalities. 22

In this IRB-approved observational study, relevant and validated measurement scales will be incorporated and administered based on the condition that is being treated with CBD to ensure objective responses from clinicians and patients.

What if there was a treatment option to reduce your pet’s symptoms?

Cannabidiol (CBD), a naturally occurring compound, has drawn increasing interest over the past several years as a treatment for a range of conditions in animals. In some studies CBD has been shown to:
  • Reduce pain in animals
  • Reduce anxiety in animals
  • Increase duration of sleep, resulting in a better night’s sleep in animals
  • Reduce tremors in animals
  • Improve mobility in animals
  • Reduce arthritis symptoms and improve joint care in animals
SalutaRX is committed to doing research on how CBD can help treat these conditions through on-going studies. This commitment drives us to produce and distribute the purest, professional strength CBD products with ZERO THC to help even our 4-legged clients feel better.


Emerging literature suggests that CBD may be an effective treatment alternative for animals...


Separation anxiety is most commonly seen in dogs and cats and CBD has been shown to help...


CBD was shown to increase total sleep time, in addition to increasing sleep latency...


Recent clinical studies have shown that CBD can help address osteoarthritis (OA) pain in dogs...

Zero THC

3rd-Party Lab Tested 0.00% THC

pet Benefits

Eases many discomforts.

Natural Ingredients

MCT Coconut Oil, Plant Based Cannabidiol Oil derived from hemp.

Vet Approved

Third-party lab tested.

Ask your vet about these alternative approaches to help manage your pet’s symptoms.